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Leslie L. Altman

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Dedicated in memory of Jim Collins

In July 1922, Leslie L. Altman starts the Bradbury Heights Bus Line to Washington with 2 buses. Its garage & offices were located at 1510 Southern Avenue in SE, DC. In 1926 it incorporates as the Washington, Marlboro and Annapolis (WM&A) Motor Lines, Inc.

The bus line grows and on December 6, 1941 opens its new garage & office building at 4421 Southern Ave, SE, DC.

The Federal Communications Commission grants a construction permit for a new FM station to the Chesapeake Broadcasting Company, Inc. in late 1947 to build and operate a station on 96.7 megacycles at Bradbury Heights, Maryland, "just over the District of Columbia line".

Furniture dealer Arthur Baldwin Curtis was President of Cheasapeake Broadcasting which selected and was granted WBUZ-FM as call letters for the 1KW station. By the end of the year, the station was authorized to use 420 watts Effective Radiated Power.

WBUZ-FM's transmitter and 255 foot tower were located at Bradbury Heights while studios & offices were installed in the WM&A building at 4421 Southern Ave. in SE, DC.

The independent station originally announced a target date of January 1, 1948 but delays caused by the failure of some equipment to arrive postponed WBUZ-FM's airdate to January 18th.

Treasurer & General Manager of WBUZ-FM was Leslie L. Altman, President of the WM&A Bus Line. Al K. Porter was Vice President & Commercial Manager of the new station, "the first all Gates-equipped station in the Washington, DC area".

Operating hour were from 7:00AM until 12 midnight daily. In late 1948, Leslie L. Altman was named President of the Chesapeake Broadcasting Co. while continuing as WBUZ-FM's General Manager.

By early 1949, WBUZ-FM was 'transitcasting', programming recorded music into buses of the WM&A line. Another 'transitcaster in the DC area was WWDC-FM.

The Chesapeake Broadcasting Co. is reorgnized in 1950. For a consideration of $1,300, 22.24% interest is acquired from A.C. Connelly by President & General Manager, Leslie L. Altman. The FCC sanctioned this transfer on August 14th, 1950.

By 1959, the Washington, Marlboro & Annapolis Bus Line is sold to an employee group and founder Leslie L. Altman retires to Florida.

WM&A Bus Line founder, Chesapeake Broadcasting Co. President and original WBUZ-FM General Manager, Leslie L. Altman dies in Florida.


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